Children of the Sun

Children of the Sun

Written 29 March 2017

The realization struck me as I put my sweet three-year-old son to bed one evening.  While attempting to stall his own adventure into the realm of dreams, he rolled over and asked innocently, “Mama, why are you so warm?

I replied naturally, “Because I am alive.”

Yes.  Because I am alive.  This satiated his curiosity while igniting a stream of connection in my own mind.  As humans, we are self-generating vehicles of energy.   We have functions that serve one another on a macro, micro, and quantum level. Every action leads to an equal and opposite reaction.  These are basic scientific ideas that can expand the mind when metaphorically examined.

The heat which we carry and so efficiently generate displays how we clearly carry fragments of solar energy within our bodies.  When we create a child, we provoke a new fire that was first given possibility by the great star of our solar system, the Sun. What an honor it is to retain pieces of such a majestic entity of existence – the heat of the great Sun.  It is clear why ancient cultures once (and still) worship the Sun as the provider of life.  Both life-giving and seemingly on the verge of domineering, the Sun is what allows our vegetables to grow and our planet to stay within an orbit of perfection.

Yet, as with many things, people have become less connected with our beautiful Sun.  People lather chemical-based sunblock on the delicate skin of their babies, in fear of disease resulting from overexposure.  We have been told that the rays of the Sun are too damaging for our skin and eyes, causing us to hide behind hats and shades and chemical creams.

Rather than living in fear, wiser interactions with the blessed light of the sun are ideal. Finding shade when necessary, keeping the skin moisturized and protected with natural oils, and a proper nutrient balance allows a person to have more resistance to burns and healthy cell production.  There is so much that can be done when a person is mindful about having a healthy and intelligent relationship with the Sun.

Loving the Sun does not necessarily mean taking a nap in the sunlight on a 90-degree day or forcing oneself to stare directly at the Sun at high noon.  Having love for this master of energy means taking time to give thanks for that which warms and feeds, and to feel the love that is the potential for life in every single moment.  Spirituality is not essential in this practice – just an allowance for profound reverence of the intelligent design that keeps the rhythm of the planet in motion.

We are blessed to exist in such an amazing ecosystem that is filled with wondrous miracles that human consciousness has only barely begun to understand.  We are Children of the Sun, and every time a person senses the heat of being alive flowing through the body, this must be remembered.